managing negative back with ONPASSIVE

Hello there!

In this article, we will be looking into four ways of managing negative feedback in a positive manner. As a business owner who is actively looking to improve its online reputation management, negative feedback can prove to be quite detrimental to what you’re trying to accomplish with your business goals.

So here are four effective ways you can manage to convert negative feedback into converting it into a positive manner. Let us look into the different ways we can help you turn your negative feedback into a positive one:

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1. Learning from it

The most common suggestion shared by experts was to learn from the negative feedback. As a result, you can look at the feedback two ways, which are confirmation that you do, in fact, suck or simply opportunity to ask yourself how you can improve. In the end, it all comes down to your mindset. Do you simply accept what you’re told as is? Or do you persevere and find a way to turn this negative feedback in a positive manner.

The simple truth is that not everything you say or create will be widely accepted and loved. There will always be differences of opinion, among people. Criticism can be incredibly invaluable to your personal and professional growth and the trick is to be able to assess where that feedback is coming from, reflect, and then react, rather than overreacting.

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2. Ignore it

A majority of the feedback that you receive from sources who simply do not have the same level of experience as you do. Many people will simply tell you what you should do without saying anything of value. Sometimes it is important to only listen to those you know, respect, and trust. Others may be talking flack because they are bitter, jealous, or entitled.

3. Hear it

If someone has something bad to say about your business, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to accept it as truth. You can choose to listen and acknowledge people who share their thoughts without agreeing with them.  A lot of the time, people just want to know that they have been heard. Hear the commentary, say thank you, and move on. Whether you’re a content creator or a vice president of marketing, sometimes the best thing to do when people send angry messages your way is to hear them out and respond. In many circumstances, particularly with external audiences, your critics will be surprised you even acknowledged them. Simply put a lot of people, just crave the attention that they so desperately seek.

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4. Own it

As human beings, we often have a tendency to immediately reject all forms of criticism. We become defensive and take it personally. I’m no stranger to this reaction. The point is that you need to accept that your message will not be received well by everybody, but that’s OK. Don’t ignore their feedback, but don’t automatically let it sway you.

In conclusion:

Negative feedback sucks. As marketers, though, we must constantly take risks by putting ourselves, our brand, and our content in the spotlight and being subject to angry tweets, harsh Facebook posts, or blog comment trolls. If you truly took to heart what every internet personality threw your way, you’d fall into a pit of despair. Instead, remember to take every comment with a grain of salt. We hope you found this article and these tips on how you can effectively manage negative feedback in the most positive manner. Good luck in managing all the negative feedback, and we wish you the best of luck for your business.

Thanks for reading!

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