
Looking for ways to monetize your blog? Have a knack for writing, but not sure how and where to start, then you’re in the right place to take your first step towards earning. Blogging is more like an online journal; you can talk about your everyday life, give opinions on certain situations and share your ideas about it. The way blogging has revolutionized the world of communication is really beautiful. People can now earn with blogging and also help others gain knowledge at the same time.

If you are confident enough that your blog can make a change, then you are all set to making passive money out of it.

Here are a few foolproof ideas to earn passive income with your blog:

There are several ways you can make money online mainly through advertising, digital marketing and selling your products.

By advertising

When you write a blog and have posted it online, you can start putting advertisements to your site with the help of advertising networks like Goggle AdSense, Exoic and Zapmeta. These platforms will help you earn by publishing the ads to your site. Once you have linked it with your site, they start bringing in the money passively.

By Digital Marketing

It is one of the best ways to make money. Blogging on marketing pays off well when SEO is aligned with it. With a solid strategy of blogging and SEO, it will be very easy to make money. Digital marketing is all about attracting customers to your site, especially with the ones who are making a purchase with the help of the links you have provided on your site.

By Selling Your Products

Selling your products is also another way of making money with the help of your blogs. This is almost similar to affiliate marketing. You can drive customers to your site with the help of SEO and sell your products to them rather than selling others. Build your site with attracting and engaging content. Get their email addresses in exchange for some attracting offers and deals; this will help to build a network for your products.

By Native Advertising

Native advertising is one of the leading ways of making money online with the help of blogging. Blogs that are related to jobs, news can bring a huge amount of passive income with the help of native advertising. There are a few of the best native advertising platforms that would benefit you like: Taboola, Adsense, and Outbrain (High-quality native ads).

By Running Campaigns for Brands

This suits very well for any kind of blog with an established audience base. You can help new brands reach their targeted audience and make money as well by running digital marketing campaigns for them. This will require brand collaboration even paid Ads and making videos. This will help to bring a lot of money and increase your user base as well.

Passive income is a valid way of making money and you can too with the help of blogging. Try out different methods; keep optimizing your site for better and engaging content. Improve your audience base to gain more income.