Artificial Intelligence

Brands have distinctive levels of delegation in implementing SMS marketing as a part of their plan. Few don’t give a lot of importance to it while others execute it as one of the essential strategies of their marketing campaigns.

SMS marketing is glowing with the heat and SMS messaging is one of the most compelling ways to interact with your customers. Adding text messaging is secure, whether you are just beginning to use SMS marketing to communicate with your customers or have been doing it for a while, here are few tips to make SMS marketing work for you:

 1. Have a clear CTA: Make sure your call-to-action is clear, a clear call to action is necessary for your customer to act on the message. Now, if your CTA requires your customer to send a text message, you must highlight the shortcode and the keyword to a five-digit number which they need to address.

2. Blend MMS with Text: You may believe that 160 characters will stop you from sending inspiring messages, but some companies handle it very well. It would be best if you were sure that your text is straight-forward, so your customer immediately responds to it. You can send video clips or images to your customers and can even include YouTube URLs, giving your customers a vision about your business.

3. Discounts & Contest: Most companies use SMS marketing to offer a discount or a contest. These discounts can include a personal code, which sends them to your website and provides them with some money-saving offer. When customers enter a contest or opt-in, use links to connect the customers to various pages of your website; this will also drive traffic to your site.

  4. Personalise Message: Customers acknowledge more to those messages that addressed directly to them, so use your consumers’ name when you can. Try to target your consumer with more relevant content as per their preference. Make sure your content is to-the-point with a high-value approach, so your customer is motivated to respond positively.

5. Sense of Urgency: Including some expiration date to offer that will encourage the customer to react faster, For Instance: If you Book tonight, it’s for $100 only. Visit or Call us on xx-xxx-xx. Deal expires tonight @ 11:59 PM., supporting you produce results or gain knowledge and responds as quickly as possible.

The Conclusion: We are aware that instant messaging apps are in fashion these days. But some people do not even switch on their WiFi, very few people uses these IM applications daily. As per data, 85% of people read the SMS within three minutes, which means SMS targeting tactics will cost you conversions.

The traditional messaging platform is on every phone, be it a smartphone or not, and if you are looking forward to growing your business at minimal cost, SMS marketing is the way. Change the way you market your business and take a smart move to keep your customer updated and informed.

“Mobile use is growing faster than all of Google’s internal predictions.”- Eric Schmidt, an American businessman and software engineer.