Voice technology is poised to become the next big thing in marketing. Nowadays, there many speculations around how voice tech will transform the way we do business. Just as social media and smartphones have become permanent fixtures in the digital marketing world, voice technology will soon be a primary part of life. With voice search getting tremendous hype in the marketing world, brands must incorporate voice search in their marketing strategies.

As a marketing professional, you need to stay on the cusp of emerging voice trends and learn how voice search will influence your marketing strategies.

In this article, let’s dive into the world of voice and explore everything marketers need to know about voice in 2020.

Unveiling Top Things Marketers Must Know About Voice in 2020

#1: Voice Search: The Next Big Thing

Over the past few years, the application of voice search in marketing has been record-breaking as people can easily Google with voice search. There’s no doubt that voice search will become the next big thing in the marketing world. Today, customers use voice assistants to perform everyday activities in a smarter, faster, and easier way. As such, the voice tech will continue to gain momentum over the coming years.

#2:  Gain Advantage with Voice Search Now

As two out of five, young customers use voice applications like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant, the right time to gain a strategic advantage with voice has arrived. Today, customers can easily Google with voice search. Therefore, keeping pace with this rising voice trend is a necessity.

With the limited number of voice apps currently available, now it is the perfect time to take advantage of voice tech. Much like your website domain name represents your brand’s core component, the same type of registry is expected for voice in the coming years.

#3:  Use Voice Search for Personalized Communication 

Customer experience has come to the forefront of marketing. You may have come across ads that are related to your recent searches. It denotes that we have entered an era of hyper-personalized customer experiences and advertising. You must be wondering what the role of voice in content personalization is. The fact is that voice search can take personalization to a whole new level.

Voice provides marketers with the capability to interact with content and advertisements via a verbal feedback loop that has never before existed. Alexa and Google Assistant even make suggestions and analyze data to make voice app experiences even more personalized to their audience. Even customers can easily use Google with voice search nowadays. It’s hard to ignore the voice in 2020 and beyond.

#4: Give Your Brand a Unique Voice

With the proliferation in the usage of social media in marketing, creating a brand voice has become more critical than ever to stand out. With a unique brand voice, marketers can build connection, establish trust, and create a memorable image of their brand in the marketplace. Finding your tone of voice begins with knowing who your audiences are and choosing the right language to reach them.

#5: More data Creates Better Strategy

What we have learned from social media over the last decade are that data matters. Marketers who’ve access to more data on their customers can provide personalized and targeted advertisements that drive conversions. With voice, marketers can understand what someone said, when they said it, in what context, and can easily extract the emotional intent from what people say.

#6: Incorporating voice to Generate Double Revenue

There’s no denial of the fact that voice search in 2020 is on the rise. Courtesy goes to Google Voice Search. Today, voice apps help users carry out commands, search the web, and control smart home devices. Also, leading companies are capitalizing on the voice to improve interaction with customers.

While the usage of voice in 2020 is on the rise, it brings about new challenges. With voice, people can interact with search queries differently. So, marketers will need to incorporate voice in 2020 to gain a strategic advantage efficiently.


Today, voice apps such as Alexa offers the ability for users to make purchases directly through the voice assistant. Don’t get left behind when people can even easily Google with voice search. Keep pace with the emerging trends and capitalize on “the next big thing”.

Indeed, the six things mentioned in this writing will help you understand the importance of voice in the coming years. Voice is going to change our reality and how we accomplish day-to-day tasks radically.