The entire business world is facing a crisis because of the incompetent leadership council. Near about one-third of the employees do not share a transparent relationship with their higher management. In most cases, any changes suggested by the workforce often get deliberately ignored by the higher authority. It leads to a feeling of less empowerment for the employees.

 Most of the leaders are miserably failing to nurture a sense of trust and loyalty among their subordinates. The need for a balanced manager with excellent leadership qualities and a willingness to empower others is unimaginable!

Let’s try to find out the five most prominent qualities that a great leader must possess.


Knowing how to give the proper credit for accomplishments, accepting mistakes, no-tolerance with the dedication, hard work, and quality and thinking about employees and defending them- all these rare qualities are needed to be present in a truly great leader.  An integrated team let a leader bring out the best performance from everyone irrespective of situations.

Communication Skill

A leader knows how to motivate, instruct, and take out the best from his or her teammates in any situation. So, excellent communication skills can easily attract others, and you even do no need to inspire others if you can persuade others with your words. This quality is something that can make or break your potentiality to lead a team or a company.

Managerial Competency

Promoting the best employee of the team to the manager’s level cannot be proven effective always. They can understand the entire management’s scenario of the company. Still, at the same time, it should be checked that whether that person is competent enough to manage the team and represent the organization whenever it is required.


A good leader must able to train and develop the employees who work under him or her. The sense of empowerment is something interconnected with leadership quality. It comes from experience and the ability to help others to climb up the ladder. A leader who can empower others can change the fate of the taskforce at any moment.


An enthusiastic leader can easily change the gloomy environment by appreciating or cheering up his or her entire task force. A team that is motivated, united, and happy can achieve anything at any moment. That’s why an enthusiastic leader is way better than a leader who is holding various Alma matters in management but not enthusiastic about inspiring them.