Website Conversion Funnel

Let’s dive straight into the blog and help you understand the importance of website conversion funnel in any business.  The difference between forging a healthy profit and hardly breaking even is an optimized conversion funnel. This funnel maximizes the profit any business gets from their marketing campaigns.

Any business running a sales-focused website needs to have a conversion funnel in place. Every site that you find on the internet would have a conversion funnel of some sort. As per a survey, only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates. That only means there is still a lot of untapped potentials attached to the conversion funnel.

Related: Easy Ways To Plug Leaks In Your Sales Funnel!

Conversion funnel in marketing:

At the outset, a conversion funnel is a way to visualize the flow and conversion trail of potential customers into paying customers. To garner these customers, marketers usually rely on SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, paid ads, and outreach programs.

when businesses understand and analyze the patterns and processes of the funnel, it is easy for them to take action to improve the flow. A basic conversion funnel comprises of four processes. They are:

  1. Awareness: Your potential customer becomes aware of you, your products and service
  2. Interest: Build interest in the product for them
  3. Desire: You plant the seed of desire for your goods
  4. Action: Prompt customers to take action.

Let us get a little deeper into understanding the conversion funnel and see what’s involved in each step of the process.

AWARENESS: In this strategy, you are making people aware of your brand by devising a marketing strategy that helps your brand reach a new audience. You can do it through PPC campaigns, organic search, and social media. Targeting your top-of-funnel strategies to the right audience is advised as you can put use your time and budget judiciously.

INTEREST: Now that you have pulled prospective customers into the funnel, build their interest in your business’s products and services by giving the best information possible about your brand. This is where your content, blogs, informative guides, and website comes quite handy. Let your customers understand everything about you. Define what sets your company apart from the rest. Give them a signup form such as a downloadable guide in PDF format and gather their information (name, email id, phone number). Once you have it, these customers translate into potential leads.

DESIRE: The next step is to make the leads more interested in your brand and make them feel why they need your product and services. Highlight a specific problem you can solve and make it evident that your solution is different from others in the market. Now make them desire your brand’s solution. Having a great convincing content helps in a great deal for you to attract your potential customers to the next important step.

ACTION: The ultimate step in the entire conversion funnel process is your ultimate goal too. This is where you insist on the potential leads to buy your product or service turning them into your customers. You want them to BUY!. A very small percentage of leads have come to this level, in the process that started from the first step.  

Creating a sales conversion funnel:

Building an effective conversion funnel takes considerable time. But then, the lure of maximizing your sales and revenue is insatiable and this is why you need to start working on this funnel. We give you some of the steps that you need to keep in mind to create a sales conversion funnel.

  • Chart your ideal buying process
  • Set up your conversion goals in Google Analytics
  • Boost interest with content
  • Pinpoint leaks in your website conversion funnel and rectify
  • Optimize for conversions
  • Consider creating multiple offers to your sales conversion funnel
  • Determine your best sources of qualified leads after analyzing conversion funnel metrics
  • Use automation to keep leads in your funnel. It works wonders.
  • Earn repeated customers. They are truly valuable for your brand, sales, and revenue.

In conclusion, establishing a conversion funnel optimization is indeed challenging, but it needs to make your business grow and it also reflects on the company’s bottom line and brand value. When you take the time to understand your leads, customers, and audience, its easy for you to identify your customer’s needs to optimize your funnel to maximize the number of visitors that eventually becomes your customers and consumers.

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