Big Data Analytics And IoT

Business leaders are now focusing on two significant elements, namely Big Data and IoT, which play a significant role in making effective decisions concerning business development. The current situation necessitates instances of their collaborative work. They carry their individuality, which we will discuss below:

Initially, let us go about with Big Data.

An idea about Big Data

With the advent of digitalization, Big Data has been going through leaps and bounds. The significant elements which characterize it are volume, variety and velocity. Volume refers to the data size, variety refers to the structured, unstructured and semi-structured data, and finally, velocity refers to the speed at which the data increases or changes.

Data in the raw form lie invaluable. The value lies only when the data is analyzed. Big Data is enormous that the traditional methodologies will find it difficult to store, manage and process the data.

The traditional methodologies take time, money and resources to draw some valuable insights. However, with the advent of Big Data Analytics, analysis has turned more practical. Significantly, the comprehensive analysis led to outputs that any business can use purposefully. Moreover, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies act as an added advantage to create more smart insights. Big Data generates from various sources, of which IoT is the primary source to talk about.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT talks about numerous physical devices designed to connect with systems on the internet for data exchange. Some live instances of IoT devices include smartphones, smartwatches, industry and medicinal equipment.

IoT plays a significant role to gain the deeper aspects of the activities with the connected devices. Consequently, valuable information is retrieved from the devices and stored to achieve rich analysis.

Having gained the basic idea about Big Data and IoT, let us get ahead to know how both these are connected.

How Big Data and IoT are connected?

IoT is a significant source of Big Data. What has brought both of them to work together? The inefficiency of the traditional systems to manage the ever-increasing data has led  Big Data and IoT to work closer. Big Data Analytics provide powerful insights into the information generated from IoT devices.

Big Data’s usage in IoT:

We all know IoT devices gather an enormous amount of information. Big Data imports the data and looks for means to segment the vast unstructured data into smaller units. Hence, businesses find it easy to draw conclusions and enhance decision-making.

Some of the significant insights of Big Data Analytics include the following:

  • Descriptive Analytics:

Descriptive analytics talks about how IoT device performs in real-time. Some of its significant details  include the device location and operations by various users,

  • Diagnostic Analytics

Diagnostic analytics talks about the reason behind the insights gained in descriptive analytics. It helps organizations diagnose the ‘why’ factors of the outputs.

  • Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is more advanced, for this uses Machine Learning technology to study past data and predict future performances. Such predictions will be of great help to organizations as they can prevent significant losses to occur.

  • Prescriptive Analytics

Prescriptive analytics talks about the ways to influence things that have been predicted.

IoT challenges with Big Data Analytics

Storing and managing data

The rate at which Big Data grows is exponential. In the current instance, the Big Data storage system is not expected. Hence, challenges lie with storing and managing data.

Data Visualization:

Data generated by the IoT devices is the amalgamation of structured, unstructured and semi-structured data. So, the challenge lies in generating visuals for the heterogeneous data.


Now that we have gained some important information about Big Data and IoT, it is time to look at options that generate more smart analytics. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies are flourishing. Hence the need lies to incorporate them to support Big Data Analytics. ONPASSIVE has in store innovative intelligence to provide businesses in dealing with large volumes of data economically. Leverage its AI products for the best results.