Impacts of Data-driven Advertising on Brands

Have you ever wondered what data-driven marketing is? Do you want to know how big data could bring you a much higher ROI? Marketing has been going through a paradigm shift lately. The old method (working through expectations or a feeling of the gut) is gone. Today, marketers shift to the most accurate information source, customer data.

Consumers have access to an abundance of data on the various products and services offered to the market. It is what makes them more cautious about the advertisements they come across and the things they purchase. Advertisers are now seeking to recognize how Data-driven Advertising can be used to show up ads in the browsers and social media of users, where the data originates, and how it is affected by people’s tastes.

What Is Data-driven Marketing?

Data-driven marketing is a strategy focused on consumer details to improve brand interactions. To predict their needs, desires, and future behaviors- marketers in data-driven advertising use client data. This insight helps develop personalized marketing strategies to achieve the highest return on investment (ROI) possible.

Let us see how this information help brands achieve their goal and monitor how the strategies of data-driven advertising progress through the information available through various sources:

#1 Personalized Campaigns

About 53 percent of marketers say that there is a healthy appetite for customer-centric communications, according to “The Global Study of Data-Driven Marketing and Advertisement.” Big data and creative analytics software enable marketers to develop customized messages for highly tailored campaigns.

Marketers have a much better idea of what and when to send targeted ads with carefully analyzed data to back up their marketing strategies using data-driven advertising. This timeliness and clarity increase a marketer’s chance, reach an emotional chord, and promote positive interaction.

#2 Clarity on Target Audience

Any consumer information enables marketers to develop a laser-sharp view of their intended audience with data-driven advertising. CRM insights, for instance, can increase the ability of a marketer to predict customer behavior further.

The outcome of this data-driven advertising? Marketing strategies that guarantee consumers are targeted at the right time with the right message. The sheer volume of data from a near-infinite blend of information, computers, websites, and network provides advertisers with the ability to offer massive one to one customer experience.

 #3 Programmatic Advertising

The “spray and pray” conventional advertisers commonly adopted strategy. Advertisers would spend a lot of money placing their ads on television or showing a banner ad in newspapers. It was hard to compute the impact and ROI.

Programmatic ads with data-driven advertising simplify the mechanism of advertising by evaluating data to determine which ads to buy and then bid for them in ‘real-time’ bidding performed through a digital exchange. Without any human involvement, marketers target users in programming based on consumer characteristics such as age, location, preferences, actions, etc.

#4 Enhanced Customer Experience

Customers need data that’s valuable to them. The campaigns are aimed at a particular requirement by data-driven marketing. The Global Analysis report also showed that 49 percent of companies use data-driven marketing to maximize consumer loyalty by conducting surveys of satisfaction and finding areas for change.

Customer satisfaction analysis with data-driven advertising allows brands to speed up the delivery cycle without compromising tailored support. Big data offers an Omnichannel service instead of disrupting customer relationships and strengthening the user experience by making it reliable.

#5 Search Engine Marketing

With over 3.5bn searches being performed solely on search engines like Google, advertisers have plenty of data at their hands. But data alone won’t make sense if you can’t search and find trends for using it in your ads. Reputed search engines have updated themselves based on search history, questions about search purposes, and language use.

Advertisers using data-driven advertising can identify search trends with the support of tools such as Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner. Advertisers can define the peak period in which searches and sales are strong based on this information and enforce digital marketing strategies accordingly.

In Conclusion

Advanced statistics and data analytics are at the fingertips of a marketer. Different resources, both free and charged, can be used by marketers and enterprises to research users’ marketing actions. You need to know something about your customers to maximize any marketing strategy. In this new age, that is what target marketing is all about.

The reality with data-driven marketing is that no matter how brilliant a marketer is, they can’t do magic literally. If you expect to see changes in your business campaign just one day, you would have to prepare cautiously for them beforehand. But if you have a good plan of priorities and actions, it would be simple to execute them. And you shall see instant outcomes once you have finished your research.