artificial intelligence

Knowledge is power. Intelligence is the ability to apply that power. Maybe that is the reason why Artificial Intelligence is this century’s powerful weapon just like education is. Artificial intelligence is all about machine/program learning by itself based on the data fed to it. AI is provided with a set of data, the same way children are educated with books. If AI is all about learning, how is it helping in changing the world of education?

Since the dawn of the institution of education, we have seen several methods of educating a child or a person. Teaching methods across the globe have evolved every day. Chalks have turned into markers, blackboards to digital boards, textbooks to e-books and much more transformation happening while we read on. A digital change in education gave rise to the implementation of artificial intelligence to facilitate learning. 

Let’s explore the possibilities and effects of Artificial Intelligence on the educational system:

AI Streamlining Administrative Activities

AI in Administrative level is helping institutions streamline most of their processes. Several administrative tasks are being simplified by using intelligent assistants. Tasks like enrolling student applications, budgeting, course management, handling issues, buying and procurement activities, and facilities management have significantly improved. Using AI-powered systems institutions can greatly improve efficiency by lowering their operating costs. AI can also lower the risk and time taken to manage the whole organization.

AI Changing Teaching Methods

Role of a teacher is not a simple job. It is not only about educating a child, evaluating tests and punching out at the end of the day, but it is also about getting into the minds of each child and teaching according to their level of grasping power. Can AI do all these? Of course, it can. AI is known to analyse and provide personalized requirements. AI in teaching systems can be programmed to provide expertise and teach children by understanding them in a deeper level.

AI Promoting Quick Learning

With the advancement of technology, it is now possible to learn not only through textbooks but also via smartphones, computers more effectively and conveniently. As technology promotes changes, artificial intelligence has taken learning into a whole new level by providing smart learning content creation, customized digital interfaces for learning and much more intelligent ways to promote quick efficient learning. The more learning gets easier, the more helpful it will be to the children.

Today, artificial intelligence and education together can change the world. AI can assist in simplifying methods of teaching, learning and also administrating. AI can indeed change the field of education, but can it really educate our children as our teachers did? Can they teach us values, ethics, principles of life? Well, so far we’ve seen several promising developments in artificial intelligence, there might come a time where a machine can do more than just what it is programmed to do.