That is true. Only 10% of startups survive, although 90% fail. Several things can help you turn your startup idea into the successful firm you've always imagined. You'll need a brilliant idea that's unique in your field, as well as investors, to fund your firm. You'll need both a business and a marketing strategy. Most significantly, you'll need to know how to raise money and attract investors.

Your choice of startup investors may make or break your business, regardless of whether you resort to crowdfunding or private investment. You'll discover everything you need to know about how to find investors for a company in this post.

The many categories of investors according to the stage of the business

When looking for finance for your startup, there are several options to explore. Some funding choices may make more sense than others, depending on where your company is in its development.

When looking for investors for your firm, you should try to mix and match investment options at different phases to ensure that you have a variety of money sources. Here's a closer look at some common private investment alternatives dependent on the stage of a company's development:

The Idea Stage

The entrepreneur is still developing and fine-tuning the startup's concept at this stage, and they require funding to finish critical activities such as writing a detailed business plan. In the early stages, funds are often raised through personal finances or close contacts.


You are the one who invests. It can be challenging for enterprises to find business investors during the idea stage, and thus in many cases, the entrepreneur must contribute the initial beginning funding. While investing your own money can be dangerous, it also gives you ultimate control over your company, free of other influences or competing views.

In the Idea Stage, funding a firm using personal funds is also a means to protect oneself from debt if the venture fails. However, as your firm expands, you will most likely be unable to sustain it on your funds and will need to bring in other investors.

Pre-Seed Stage

The entrepreneur requires additional funding at this stage to maintain existing growth and complete responsibilities such as market validation. An entrepreneur can continue to rely on funding possibilities from the Idea Stage while also looking into new external options.

Pre-Seed is a relatively recent phenomenon in capital raising, arising from investors devoting less money to emerging enterprises in the Seed Stage. Entrepreneurs refine their finance approach as new lessons, and best practices are uncovered regularly in this stage.


The best part about using crowdfunding to locate business investors is that it allows everyone to invest. You can pitch your business idea or product and let individuals worldwide give money without giving up any ownership of your firm.

When it comes to affecting your actual day-to-day business operations, crowdfunding is a hands-off investing technique. While crowdfunding may appear to be a grassroots method, it has resulted in millions of dollars being donated to several firms.

Family and friends

During the idea stage, most entrepreneurs obtain substantial financial aid from friends and family. These are usually your most ardent supporters or people closest to you who want to see you succeed. While these 'investors' are generally simpler to deal with and are less involved in day-to-day operations, taking money from individuals closest to you can cause personal stress and anxiety. Friends and relatives may not be checking for a return on their investment frequently, but as the firm grows, they will be eager to get their money back (and then some).

Where and how do you look for investors for your startup?

You may have a solid idea of what kind of funding you should seek based on your company's stage, but you're probably still wondering, "Where can I get investors for my business?" Everything comes down to one crucial step: networking.

When you meet the proper individuals, a world of possibilities opens up in front of you. Make sure to network with people in your sector if you're starting to think about obtaining investors for a business. Attend as many industry events as possible, even if you feel you're unqualified or your company isn't yet up and running. You may or may not locate investors, but you will undoubtedly gain information from other entrepreneurs or company veterans. Try to build ties with people who can help you in the future - you never know when or where you might need to locate investors for your venture.

Make a list of potential investors for your startup.

Know exactly what you want from a relationship before reaching out to possible startup investors.

Perhaps you'd like someone to walk you through the steps of starting a business. In that situation, venture capitalists, angel investors, or private equity firms are more likely to be interested in funding your startup. If you're solely looking for funding, microloans or crowdsourcing are better options. Knowing how to find the right investor for your business could help you realize your vision.