GoFounders Community

As a 72-year-old man in extremely good health, I would like to share with you some of the simple things that do to maintain my wellness. Every day I expose at least 50% off of my body daily to full sunlight. That supplies enough Vitamin D3 for maintaining my immune system (there are over 5000 studies on Vit D3 and the immune system)

Warning!  Start off slowly at 5-minute exposure and build, up to your 20 minutes

The body needs Vitamin C but cannot produce its own. I take mega doses daily.  Another warning, start off will very low doses and build up over time. Too much, too soon and the results, although harmless are rapid and messy. Liposomal Vit C is best as it bypasses the digestive system and goes directly to the cells.

It may not be your thing. These are not recommendations; just my daily habits if you find them useful then help yourself

Source: GoFounders Community