Guest Blogging

There is a lot of difference between unsuccessful guest bloggers and successful guest bloggers. Unsuccessful guest bloggers are the ones who knock on as many doors as possible, pitching the same content and hoping that at least they get a chance to write for a site. Successful guest bloggers are the invited guests who show up with a bright smile bearing gifts. They know the house rules and follow accordingly.

How can you be a successful guest blogger?

Let us start by understanding what guest blogging is:

What is guest blogging?

Guest blogging otherwise called “guest posting” is about writing content for several other company’s websites. Usually, guest bloggers write on various topics including online mobile marketing to drive traffic back to the website. It helps to increase the domain authority with the help of external links to high-authority domains. The blogs can also be used to increase brand awareness. 

With that vision in your mind, you can follow these digital strategies for effective guest blogging and what things to improve:

Focus on Your Purpose

Before you send your content, be clear on your goal. Why do you or your company want to write content for other sites to publish? Is it to reach a new but relevant audience? Or is it to build a new relationship with that company with mutual interests. Persuade yourself to think creatively to accomplish your goals following the site’s guidelines. For example, if you are looking to increase your audience base, but the other site does not allow you to add a call to action, make sure you include a particular link to a page on your site.

Become Familiar with the Blog Community

To boost your chances of getting accepted as a guest blogger, you will have to do something that impresses the blog owner. The best strategy to follow is to take a week or two and comment on their latest posts, give your feedback on their posts. Share their posts on various social media platforms, this might get you some bonus points – make sure that you include the blog owner’s username and respective hashtags. This way, the blog owner won’t see you as a complete stranger when you submit your content.

Know When to Pitch Your Content

Timing is as important as any other factor you follow while writing your content. There isn’t always a golden opportunity to send a guest post, but you can always take advantage of the time if you know when to pitch your content.

Best time to pitch your content is:

  • When the blog tells something about you in one of their posts or on social media, this is helpful in mobile marketing
  • When the blog is actively looking for guest posts. Look for active advertisements.
  • When the blog publishes another guest post. This means they are welcoming guest posts.

The ultimate goal is to work together with mutual interests. You follow their set of rules, they follow yours. Guest blogging is a two-way street, both the parties benefit from this; it is one of the best digital strategies to follow for successful guest blogging. It can be tricky to maintain your blog when you want it to be engaging. Always welcome guest posts to your blog and offer guest posts to other sites to help each other out.