webinar session

When webinars are in inflated demand, hosting a webinar event is a great choice to begin with. You can share your expertise with interested people and most likely generate new leads if the process unfolds successfully.

Your journey as a host of webinar might be exciting initially, but it might get challenging while deciding about the topic. Because you need be consistent with your sessions to retain viewers’ engagement. Thus, you should know beforehand what topic you are going to cover in your upcoming webinar session.

In this context, it is clearly visible that your topic plays a heroic role in your webinar sessions. Itcreates a first impression and helps you attract people to join your webinar. Thus, it is very crucial to come up with the right topic for your next session. Here are the five incredible ways that help you in your webinar topic research.

1. Ask for it

It isthe simplest way to decide the topic as you ask for it you get it. Ask your audience what they like and which points they wanted to be covered in your session. You can ask the following questions: 

1. What wouldyou like to get educated about in a specific niche? 

2. What is your biggest challenge in this specific niche? 

3. What is your biggest confusion about this specific niche?

Forward these questions in the form of a survey or post them on social media so that your followers can respond. You might generate new ideas from these responses. It is great if you could generate multiple topic ideas. In such a case, create a poll to ask your followers which topic they wanted to see first.

2. Take inspiration from your own blogs

While you are interacting with your audience for the topic, also consider exploring your own work! Scan your blogs and pick the content that was most popular, liked, commented and shared by many. If you want to minimize your efforts to scan through your entire blog, some websites online help you find your most shared blogs once you type in your blog name or website.Also, ONPASSIVE’s smart tracking tool, OTRACKER is a great medium to track your website performance in real-time and help you gain real insights.

With the blog at hand, try to figure out what kind of topic interests your audience that you can work on to make it suitable for a webinar session.

3. Explore the Internet 

What to do if you haven’t yet developed a stable following? (Well, that’s why you are using webinars in the first place). Or you might not have a proper archive filled with content. Let’s begin with the basics then. Explore the Internet to find more about your niche. Consider checking Quora and Reddit to find your customers’ concerns. 

For instance, suppose you are in the fitness industry, and you notice people raising concerns about how can they stay fit at home without stepping out to the gym. You can create a webinar around this concern. Go ahead and create a webinar that guides the audience on working out from home and staying fitter. You can offer workout sessions that are easy and effective to do at home. And thenpromote your session around the same theme.

4. Provide the missing information

A webinar is a great place to provide holistic information about your products. Let the audience get an in-depth understanding of what you are offering. Because if you are going to present an intricate product like SAAS software or a course on neuroplasticity, then your audience might have many questions about your topic that you need to answer rightly. 

5. Take the help of your team

Involve your support team in developing ideas about your webinar topic. They might help you figure out what customers want, their pain points and what confuses or challenges them with respect to information in your niche. 

For example, if you sell skin care products and your support team find out that many customers have many questions about whether they should consider using this particular soap for their face instead of a facewash, its benefits or whether they are suitable for an acne-prone skin types.

Wrapping Up 

The impact of the webinar on business activities has been intensified today. The importance of webinar is only highlighting with the growing demand they have in the market. However, the success behind a successful webinar depends more on what your audience wants to see than what you want to present. As you focus on what drives the interest in your audience or what they consider benefiting them, it becomes lot easier for you to create an amazing webinar session that presents the same.