Through Drip Marketing

Drip marketing refers to a drip-email campaign which is a form of automated sales outreach. A drip campaign is composed of a series of emails that are automatically sent to a specific audience after they take a specific action.

In other words, a drip-email campaign aims at sending emails with relevant content to the leads based on their search activity. The final email might include a CTA to request a demo from your business.

Email marketing is one of the essential marketing techniques that is used by most businesses to increase sales and widen their customer base. Drip marketing, therefore, refers to an email communication strategy that drips or sends a pre-written series of email messages to subscribers. 

Often, targeted emails are sent to groups of customers based on various factors, such as the pages they’ve visited on your website, CTA or call to action they responded to earlier, or demographics like age and gender.

What Are The Types Of Drip Email Marketing Campaigns 

Few common types of drip email campaigns used by businesses to generate leads include:

Onboarding Drip Campaign 

After a lead subscribes to your list or submits their email to your business through a form, it is essential to welcome them by sending welcome or onboarding emails with content that might be interesting for them. 

An onboarding email sequence should be designed in such a way that it keeps the leads engaged and provide some value to them. The onboarding emails can include blogs, case studies, a welcome coupon or exclusive offer code and curated products or service lists they have been looking for.

Retargeting Drip Campaign 

Retargeting drip campaign refers to sending lead nurturing emails to those who engaged with your content. As the name suggests, this campaign retargets the leads and sends them specific content to bring them back.

Retargeting drip emails can include a direct message from a sales executive or a feedback request regarding their recent connection with your business.

Post- Demo Campaign 

As the name suggests, this campaign will typically have the sales team providing a demonstration about a product or service to leads or prospective customers, which helps to re-emphasize the value of your products. 

Post demo campaigns can include video testimonials, tutorials, or free trial offers that help attracts leads to your business. In the case of B2C businesses, the marketers can also aim at sending abandoned cart emails to attract the attention of leads. 

Best Drip Campaign Practices That Generates More Leads

The following are some of the best drip email marketing practices that help generate more leads for your business:

Keep Your Emails Short And Informative 

In some cases, your lead might be specifically interested to know more about your company, and marketers can then create an email drip campaign with more information about your business. 

Although including lengthy content may be helpful, it is always essential for marketers to ensure the emails are just two or three paragraphs long with a clear CTA at the end. This way, you can provide your leads with relevant information and proper CTA with short and informative emails.

Include A Question Or CTA At The End Of Each Email

Leads should clearly understand the purpose of email and what action are they required to take at the end of every message. It could be scheduling a call with a sales rep or signing up for a free trial. Therefore, it is essential to include a relevant CTA at the end of every drip campaign email.

The CTA should be tailored according to the buyer’s journey. For example, if they are new subscribers, you can even ask them to follow your company on social media. 

Consider Sending Emails On Fridays

Another best practice to generate more leads through drip marketing is to send emails at the best times by looking at email frequency to increases the chances of the opening rate of your emails. 

Although most people tend to check their emails every day, Fridays are the best days to send your drip emails as Fridays have the highest email opening rate compared to weekdays. This helps to increase lead interaction with your emails.

Track The Open Rates And Click Through Rates Of Your Emails 

Drip campaign tool typically allows marketers to see open rates, CTR, and click-to-open rates. These metrics are very useful in understanding the percentage of people that clicked through after opening your email.

Tracking this information allows you to determine the best time and day to send your emails and allows you to test the wording, positioning, or design of your CTA. Marketers can also test the effectiveness of your subject lines by looking at the open rate.

Implement a follow-up sequence

Sending a series of follow-up emails is vital to generate more leads. Because a drip campaign always aims to offer value and the truth when you have something valuable to offer to your customers. Therefore, implementing a follow-up sequence is crucial for generating more leads in drip marketing.


Good drip marketing aims at making every lead or prospect uniquely valued with an engaging sequence of emails. There are as many ways for marketers to do this as there are email lists and leads to fill them. However, drip marketing requires time, patience, and creativity in designing the campaign in order to generate more leads and increase the opening rate of emails.