Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Computers can now do superhuman tasks such as driving automobiles, manufacturing chemical compounds, assembling structures, and recognizing high-energy projectiles thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).

These AI systems, on the other hand, are unable to explain the reasoning behind their choices. A computer that can master protein folding while simultaneously teaching academics more about biological principles is far more helpful than one that folds proteins.

As a result, AI researchers now focus on building AI systems that can explain themselves so that humans can comprehend. AI will find and educate humans with previously unknown information about the world, resulting in breakthroughs.

What Is Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)?

A collection of approaches and tactics that allow human users to understand and trust machine learning algorithms’ results and output is called explainable artificial intelligence (XAI).The term “explainable AI” refers to a model’s predicted impact and probable biases. In AI-assisted decision-making, it assists in evaluating model accuracy, fairness, transparency, and outcomes. The capacity of an organization to explain AI models is essential when it comes to putting AI models into production. AI explainability also assists in the adoption of a responsible AI development plan by an organization.

Reinforcement learning is a branch of AI that examines how computers may learn from their own mistakes. An AI explores the environment via reinforcement learning, gaining positive or negative feedback based on its activities.

This method has resulted in algorithms that have learned to play chess at a superhuman level and establish mathematical theorems without the assistance of humans. 

AIs are learning to solve issues that even humans can’t solve, thanks to reinforcement learning. This has prompted many academics to consider what people can learn from explainable artificial intelligence rather than what AI can learn from humans. A computer capable of solving the Rubik’s Cube should also teach others how to do so.

What Is The Importance Of Explainable Artificial Intelligence?

A significant issue among potential artificial intelligence adopters is that the technology’s results are not always noticeable. Because human specialists cannot explain the AI’s results. It might be challenging to trust the technology when AI algorithms are kept in a “black box,” prohibiting people from examining how the findings were obtained.

Understanding artificial intelligence may help businesses build trust with clients, consumers, and other stakeholders. One of the essential advantages of understanding artificial intelligence in simple terms is that it may assist technology owners in determining whether human bias impacted the model. The importance of this is especially apparent in situations where artificial intelligence is used to make life-and-death decisions, such as in a hospital where medical staff may need to explain the reasons for certain decisions to patients and parents.


Many AI deployments deal with personal data, especially in the healthcare and finance industries. Clients need to know that their information is being treated with the utmost care and sensitivity. Companies must explain AI choices under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, and similar regulations also apply in other countries. Companies can satisfy legal obligations and develop trust and confidence over time by using explainable artificial intelligence systems to show customers where data comes from and how it’s utilized. Explainability should be a top priority for businesses to plan their AI initiatives to avoid unnecessary risk while increasing economic value. If you want to use AI algorithms in your company, contact the ONPASSIVE team.