Email Marketing ROI

Prospective customers may become active customers. From the beginning, customers have to be valued. Once they start using your products and services, they show willingness and build a good relationship with the companies. At the same time, they tend to show interest to purchase new products and avail themselves more other services of the company.

Every Business is constantly exploring the ways and means to attain effective Email marketing and generate huge ROI. Email Marketing is one best means to connect with the prospective customers and help generate conversions.

As a first step, companies must set up their goals. Some of the common goals include the following:

Email Marketing Goals

Let us explore the means to achieve them:

1. Online Event Registrations: Events can be of many types. The most apt ones useful for the businesses to create a brand image are social media contest and webinars.

Social media contest: It is one best way to create awareness and promote your business online. Choose various social media channels to collect emails through registrations and update them about the offers and promotions and connect with your viewers.

Webinars: Webinar is a live interactive session, and the users participating in it can share their videos, files and queries. Organizing free webinars can attract people to attend them. Consequently, people will come to know about the company and the newly launched product or sales.

2.Collect feedback from users: The best way to know the user is to collect the feedback through poll or surveys.

3.Keep the audience engaged: Businesses need to keep the audience engaged with their updates. The best way to do it is through publishing newsletters that post about the ongoing production, miles stones achieved, rewards, launch of new products and services and future prospects.

Setting up Email marketing goals helps you analyze whether things are in place or not. It helps to sort out the functioning of the emails. Which one seems to work and which are going astray. Thus, it paves the way for correction and establishes more enhanced features.

Power of Email Marketing

The main aim of Email marketing is to draw in new customers and retain the existing customers. Investment of time and resources is to be at best to meet this.

Email marketing is the most powerful and cost-effective tool for businesses to reach out to the customer. With bulk emailing tools like O-Post by ONPASSIVE you can reach out to a huge customer base at a go. The messages reach the audience in the inbox, which is used regularly.

Let us delve into the power of Email marketing:

  • Personalized messaging: We have different kinds of audience, who have their likes and dislikes and expectations. The messages which reach the inbox should be according to that. Email marketing helps achieve this by generating personalized content, images and workflow. The generated content has to gain users’ trust that enables them to stay with it without unsubscribing or considering them as spam.
  • Valuable feedback from the customers: Content is what matters to the audience. It is suggested to collect the feedback by creating a poll or a survey using various platforms to know the impact the emails are creating. Moreover, this helps to know user expectations.
  • Create hype in sales: Statistics reveal that email marketing has increased online sales. If the content, product and services prove genuine and trustworthy, more customers creep in and contribute to increased sales.
  • Establish good customer relationship: Latest information and updates reach customers inbox.

The Email marketing strategy should include a good subject line and content. Customers should feel like clicking on the navigating links of the emails. With the use of services or products, if it gains customers trust, they may choose you for any further assistance or interest to purchase other products.

  • Saves time: Creating email content with relevant links navigating to your webpage proves to be effective. Customers can avail any new offers, sales and products quickly, saving time.


When you are planning your marketing campaign, it is not just about reaching out to the possible customer base. You need to plan on the way you will engage and nurture the relationship with your customer once he shows any interest on the product. CRM tools like O-Desk ( erstwhile O-Lead ) are highly effective in assisting in giving the sales team a platform to build on the customer relationship. With predictive analysis of customer preferences and offer the right products.

Once you have the right customer dataset you can utilize bulk emailing tools like O-Post to direct emails with messages and themes that are engaging and give the best offers. Personalizing each communication and giving the value to your prospective customer is how you can improve engagement and get better conversion rates.