ONPASSIVE Lifestyle Solomon Abongwa

Greetings to you, All GoFounders! I want to thank Mr. Ash for bringing this opportunity to the world that is already touching lives with immense positive energy around the world… I am sorry that I never quite understood what this was all about when my sponsor and uncle Sunny Malex introduced me to this.

That is why I never came here to introduce myself and show my gratitude for this opportunity of a lifetime… I was stubborn, but my uncle never gave up on me… He kept pulling my ears in a friendly manner, and here I am, super excited to be part of this amazing friendly, loving, and rich community… In my two short months on GoFounders, I have learned from my sponsor and exploding too like him…

 I have 19 personal sponsored GoFounders and a team of over 85 and still growing. My target is to cross 100 before ONPASSIVE is roll out to the public. With my commitment to this company, I have GoFounders in my team from Ireland, the USA, and Canada. I don’t know what Mr. Ash Mufareh will think, and I love this business so much, live in Montreal the French part of Canada, and can’t wait to be the leader in this region. I hope Mr. Ash reads this because since I came on board, my ambitions are to represent ONPASSIVE in this province.

My sponsor kept telling me that I was too cynical at the beginning, but I’m out to prove him wrong. I’m going to force my way to be the leader in these regions as I’m unstoppable… Catch me if you can, uncle… My ONPASSIVE lifestyle is forever… IN IT TO WIN 100%! No turning back. My wife, family, and friends call me “PAPA ONPASSIVE “because anyone visiting me or phone me must hear about ONPASSIVE.