I wish to use this avenue to express my profound appreciation to you and your great team for the relentless efforts you have put in so far in building ONPASSIVE which will soon launch to the general public.

May God the Founder and the Creator of the whole UNIVERSE continue to give you and your team the knowledge, wisdom, strength, and protection needed for the completion of ONPASSIVE.

With all humility and sincerity, I also wish to suggest that ONPASSIVE TV be added to the “ONPASSIVE ECOSYSTEM,” if at all possible.  Why do I make this humble suggestion?

This is because millions of people most especially in Africa are spending a considerable amount of money every month in other to have access to their favorite TV channels, while many more millions have no access to Satellite Television because they cannot afford it. Even if they can afford it, they may not be able to keep up with the monthly subscriptions.

So I strongly believe that if this product is being added to the “ONPASSIVE ECOSYSTEM” just like the “ONPASSIVE WEBINAR,” it will definitely disrupt the TV sector thereby creating a very HUGE market for ONPASSIVE in Africa and beyond.

Thank you,

May God bless you and your team, and may God bless all the GoFounders of ONPASSIVE.