Thank You Ash Mufareh

Welcome to all the new Founders streaming in!  We are so glad you found ONPASSIVE!

Our amazing dearly departed Scott Nelson was the catalyst to my life-changing intro to GoFounders.  Back then, I don’t think ONPASSIVE even had a name yet.  

When Scott invited me to take a look, the numbers of people already on board, to me, were staggering.  15,000 people believed in innovation, trailblazer named Ash Mufareh! 

I have been disappointed so many times that I almost passed on GoFounders.  But, I watched the numbers climb to 17,000 in about 4 months (going on memory here) so around the 17,000 marks was my entry point. 

All that to say, I have watched, in astonishment, the growth of GoFounders. The fact that we are approaching 80,000 believers is mind-blowing to me.  It speaks to the veracity of what Ash Mufareh is building here.  We are not just a group of people joining the next big thing.  We are a GLOBAL, internet revolution!  

The recent updates and leadership council entries have added fuel to this building excitement.  We are on the most exciting journey I have ever been a part of.  We are witnessing the beginning stages of what will become the greatest tech company ever to hit the market.  What that means is beyond imagining. 

That we are the inner circle of this revolution is even more mind-blowing!  As we move into the next phases of this unveiling, I observe with bated breath.

Thank you, Mr. Mufareh.  There are no words, in any language, to adequately express my awe of you and my unending gratitude.