Personal Mantra

Reflecting a bit on some of the positive posts about needing to take action in order to achieve goals, I recalled a poem I wrote more than 20 years ago.  No, I am not a poet, as you will soon see.

This attempt was a result of having attended a Bob Proctor ‘Born Rich’ seminar.  I post this only because it is food for thought not only for our journey in ONPASSIVE but for our journey in life.

I hope this is useful, Founders.  This poem goes with my personal mantra – Who You Are Is Not As Important As Who You Choose To Become.


You are not today who you were yesterday, Because today has not yet been lived.

You are not today who you will become tomorrow Because today has not yet been lived.

Tomorrow need not look like yesterday, Because today has not yet been lived.

Let us use today to shape tomorrow, Rather than allow tomorrow to be shaped by yesterday,

Because today has not yet been lived. Come!  Let us take a journey.

Let us grow together Because today has not yet been lived.

Source: GoFounders Community