I really want to thank Ash for all his hard work. He is pulled in every direction possible, and he just keeps going. Talk about the Energizer bunny!

I also want to thank the tech team in India. You are all putting yourselves out there, endangering yourselves and your loved ones just to make it possible for all of us.

Support deserves many thanks also. You have been going through the tickets nonstop. You are all amazing.

A huge thanks to you to our Leadership Counsel as well. You have been putting your heart and soul into organizing webinars, chats, info Updates, 3 ways, emails, assists mentoring… The list is huge, and I probably didn’t touch 1/2.

To our Global Family, Wow! Just wow. I love you all! I have been going to as many webinars as I can. 

I can’t wait until we can meet! What a party that will be!