Thanks to scientists' efforts, artificial intelligence has made tremendous strides in recent years. Some people identify artificial intelligence with science fiction robots, yet the technology streamlines and improves many everyday operations, allowing us to accomplish more in less time.

Today, AI is used in many parts of our lives, including transportation, shopping, and web browsing. The market for AI software development is enormous, and the technology is constantly advancing. Here are five ways artificial intelligence affects your daily life:

Artificial Intelligence In Daily Life

The Internet And Social Media

The AI social media market is expected to rise from $633 million in 2018 to $2.1 billion in 2023. The convergence of AI and social media will become more popular as both become more pervasive in people's lives.

Social media networks use AI to target users better. Marketers can conduct extensive sponsored ad campaigns on most social networks, and without AI, they would have to spend a lot of money developing and distributing content for each campaign. Artificial intelligence technology, on the other hand, can generate clever social media ads on its own. In addition, they can include shortened links and hashtags, and they are designed to encourage people to click and convert.

Moreover, social media sites also use AI to improve their user experience. Facebook, for example, utilizes machine learning to detect users' faces in photographs and deliver customized content to them. Snapchat overlays filters that move in rhythm with users' faces using AI technology. LinkedIn uses AI to make career and contact recommendations.

Personal Digital Assistants

Digital assistants have gained popularity in recent years, such as Google Home and Amazon Alexa. Digital assistants can be used for several tasks, but here are a few of the more typical ones:

  • Dictation of messages
  • Internet lookups
  • Timers and alarm clocks
  • Scheduling / Reminders
  • Calculations for media playback

Home automation is a feature that some digital assistants provide, allowing you to use technology to control your thermostat, lighting, garage door, and other equipment.

AI is used by many digital assistants to grasp the intricacies of human language. This allows the gadgets to understand and reply to whole sentences uttered by the user. Over time, digital assistants' natural language abilities will improve to the point where they sound exactly like humans.

AI and machine learning also assist digital assistants in self-improvement without human intervention. If an iPhone user tells Siri that it made a mistake in answering a request, Siri will utilise that information to avoid making the same mistake again. It does not need to be reprogrammed by a person to fix the error.

Internet Lookups

The majority of individuals use search engines daily. Although search engines have been around since the 1990s, artificial intelligence has recently changed the way people surf the internet.

AI is commonly used in search engines to create ranking algorithms. This impacts the results that appear on the first page of an online search and the order in which they appear. Many search engines employ AI to improve their algorithms, even though they still require a lot of human effort to develop and adjust.

Artificial intelligence is also an essential part of quality control. Marketers are constantly attempting to improve their websites' search ranks, and some attempt to do so by employing dubious tactics such as keyword stuffing and invisible content. Today, search engines use AI to detect and penalise sites that engage in these techniques, ensuring that your top search results are free of low-quality content.

Stores And Services On The Internet

If you have ever done online shopping, artificial intelligence has likely played a role. Digital assistant technology, web searches, and social media advertising are all critical components of online buying, and AI plays a part in them. If you see an ad on Facebook for a product you've been looking for, AI was almost certainly used at some point during the process.

Chatbots, which are often available 24/7 to answer inquiries and frequent problems, are another primary function of AI in online commerce. Although chatbots aren't always as helpful as conversing with a live person, they can provide speedy answers to simple questions.

By combining your user information with data from third parties, AI can help you customize your purchasing experience. Suppose you get an excellent product recommendation from an e-commerce site after your first purchase. In that case, it's possible that artificial intelligence was employed to figure out what else you'd like to buy.

Recommendations For Music

Tens of thousands of new tunes are added to music streaming platforms like Spotify every day. Artificial intelligence is used to go through all of these tunes and make recommendations based on the user's listening history. For example, Spotify's Discover Weekly service uses machine learning, which sends subscribers personalised playlists of new music every Monday. This makes it easier for people to discover new music and artists and gives tiny artists greater visibility.

Spotify also employs artificial intelligence for natural language processing, examining human speech. Using AI, news stories, blog posts, and other discussions about music or performers can be found. The programme then reads the descriptive terms used by the speakers. The AI can better grasp how different people feel about music and musicians and make appropriate recommendations with this data.


Artificial intelligence is likely a part of your daily life in various ways, even if it isn't immediately apparent. When you ask your digital assistant a question, AI enables the technology to search the web for the most relevant answer. It's possible that a targeted ad you see on social media was created using AI. Artificial intelligence may affect your purchasing suggestions, Spotify song recommendations, and social media friend suggestions.

If widely used, some analysts believe that AI will usher in a second industrial revolution. AI has already significantly impacted various tasks we perform daily. AI technology will become even more pervasive in everyday life as additional improvements are made.

So, if you wish to grow your business using AI, Contact the ONPASSIVE team to know how.