Intelligent Process Automation

As a result of the disruption caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, several organizations are attempting to restructure and streamline business operations. According to the PEX Network’s PEX Report 2022: Global condition of process excellence, 67% of respondents assessed the pandemic as extremely or somewhat disruptive to their operational excellence (OPEX) program.

Intelligent automation (IA) is a hybrid of BPM methodology and software, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and process mining. Combined, these tools enable firms to map and analyze internal processes to eliminate dependencies, discover process redundancies, and make informed judgments about which activities to automate for operational efficiency and return on investment (ROI).

Intelligent Automation’s Components

While any of these components does not constitute an intelligent process automation project when utilized alone, combining these technologies and techniques allows enterprises to automate intelligently.

  • Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation (RPA) uses ‘bots’ to automate the completion of specific tedious or repetitive tasks, allowing people to focus on more time-consuming or complex tasks. Other key advantages of RPA include the elimination of human mistakes, which minimizes expenses related to rework or correction.

  • Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the concept that machines and computers may ‘think,’ learning from their experiences and operating without being given explicit instructions.

AI and machine learning work together to propel automation into a “new age” and ensure it is intelligent. These technologies lessen the need for human intervention in tasks that have been identified as candidates for automation.

They can detect process deviations and exceptions, learn from them automatically, and make adjustments to improve process efficiency for future interactions. When paired with RPA, these technologies can significantly cut the time to handle corporate papers.

  • BPM

BPM is a process excellence approach that has been a hot issue in the process improvement world for a long time. BPM is a set of methods and technologies used to discover, model, analyze, measure, and optimize business processes. BPM projects can improve efficiency, efficacy, and technical ability processes when implemented appropriately.

  • Process Mining

Process mining is a hybrid of business process management and data mining techniques. In a process mining initiative, four major stages must be completed. These include gathering process data, determining what it says about them, improving processes by decreasing friction points, and ultimately monitoring processes to see how they perform.

Process mining uses event logs, which are time-stamped records of process interactions across an organization, to provide new levels of visibility into how processes are carried out. This makes it possible to identify and eliminate process bottlenecks or inefficiencies.

IA & Machine Learning In Operational Excellence

Every company strives for operational excellence, but only a handful know how to achieve it. Even fewer understand how to incorporate operational excellence into their DNA. The goal is to employ cutting-edge technology like machine learning and intelligent process automation that everyone in the business can use to promote continual improvement. When employees can automate their processes, they can focus on what matters most, drive continuous improvement, and become more productive in their work.

The foundation of operational excellence is continuous improvement. The process, structures, and tools businesses use to ensure operational excellence are efficient and effective. Intelligent automation and machine learning are transforming company processes in unprecedented ways. It’s important to remember that operational excellence is a shifting target. Meeting today’s objectives is fantastic, but all businesses should aim to improve. That is the operational excellence guiding principle.

It’s also crucial to emphasize that simple automation solution are equally simple to change as individuals observe how well an automated process works and imagine how it could be improved. In other words, these solutions form a “virtuous circle” that allows for quick iteration and continual improvement, leading to process optimization over time.

A blend of machine learning and intelligent automation can eliminate most of it. Image recognition software can discover and retrieve every news item, assess the content, and generate relevant metadata automatically. The metadata can then be used to drive an automated process that performs all of the stages you’ve previously had to perform manually, from capture to archiving.


To sum up. It is quite effective to use IA and ML for operational excellence. These technologies help businesses gain a competitive advantage and achieve operational excellence. This results in improved workflow and better outcomes for the company’s clients, and increased internal efficiency.

To know more about IA & ML, contact the ONPASSIVE team.