social media post

One best way to engage the audience is through poster designing. Who would not like to see captivating content? Using the best technologies and tools helps develop lively social media posts. Let us explore how to make a creative poster design and learn the poster design principle, which helps achieve effective social media posts.

What are Social Media Posts?

Social media posts are user-generated content, including text, creative images or videos posted across social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

A lot of factors contribute to building creative poster design. Let us get into the details and see how each of the below factors contributes to creating poster designs.

Poster Design Principles

Establish a goal: Setting a goal helps to focus on the essentials. One needs to pose a question for oneself as what is the goal of creating a specific poster? With such a thought process team involved in building the poster will be motivated to work in that direction.

State clear content: The way content appears on the poster matters. The audience must be able to read and understand the content easily. The language used should be attractive and straightforward.

Font matters: Font size has its role to play. The size should be significantly large enough to catch the public attention.

Striking title and details: The title has to short and effective and should appear on the top. Moreover, it should sound intriguing and prompt the audience to go into the details of the post.

Colour usage: Imagine you have set your goal and prepared the content. These two factors seem to work out only with the use of spellbound colours. Using medium to light colours is suggested.

Using Graphics: Using high-resolution graphics is suggested. This help gain customer attention.

Proper formatting: Generating a creative poster design requires proper formatting. Though you have the stuff with you, any improper formatting will lead to an ineffective poster. Ensure to prepare sections and post the content in the appropriate section to have clarity. If the text format is from top to bottom, important content should be on the top. Similarly, if the text format is left to right, ensure the significant content is on the left side.

Having talked about poster design principles, now let us ponder on implementing them. Tools are at hand to reduce human effort and save time.

Tools help generate creative social media posts

Poster making is now easy with O-Dit, a graphic editing software. Captured images and videos can turn more lively and compelling by using O-Dit. The tool enables easy and quick transformations and helps add creativity to the existing ones. Inbuilt themes add much glory to images, videos, posts, advertisements and GIF.

Screen capturing tools also aid to build effective posts. The tools are designed to capture the screen images. Using the tool O-Capture, one can make a difference in the way the image turns out. Its features are developed to generate images and videos that are sure to make a difference. Using those enhanced images can enhance the social media posts.


No doubt, creativity is nurtured in human hands. Gaining knowledge and familiarity with the factors influencing creative poster design is necessary at the first step. Ways and means to implement them in our work culture result in quality posters. These stand as exemplary models for motivating and implementing the best strategies to attain creative posters in the future.

Tools are at hand to utilize and make the most to generate creative posters. The latest tools inbuilt with all the Poster Design Principles will give the best outputs. So, avail them and design creative posters.