Awareness in sales funnel

Hi there!

In the previous article, we have discussed with the help of a beginner’s guide in understanding sales funnels. Now, we will be looking into the importance of awareness in sales funnels, branding funnels in improving the overall branding of a business.

Marketing funnels are incredibly great as they give a step-by-step presentation of the way to actually attract customers

How do Sales Funnels Work?

Marketing funnels or sales funnels work in a manner, in order to maximize conversions and increase overall profits of any business. One of the biggest reasons why a sales funnel is funnel-shaped rather than a straight shape is because people tend to drop out in different stages.

These type of funnels work in a few specific ways such as increasing the awareness in helping people understand what your product, company or brand is related to.

With popular social media channels such as Google, Facebook and YouTube you can significantly create awareness about your brand.

How Search Engines Play a Crucial Role in the Marketing Funnel?

Search engines play a major role in the marketing funnel and they all have unique benefits of their own such as:

  • Google:

Google dominates 90% of the search engine market and it processes more than 3.5 billion searches every single day. Enquiring or potential customers discover businesses, products or services. They are potential leads which can be converted into full-paying customers in the future.

What Role do Video Search Engines Play in Sales Funnels?

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world and it has more than a billion users on its platform. Keyword research should be done to determine what should be created and producing high-quality, actionable videos to rank higher.

Even though YouTube has been around the year 2005 and it has been established as a market trend in the year 2019. As a business, you must always strive to promote yourself as much as possible.

How are Online Communities Relevant to the Sales Funnel?

There are online communities which have gained widespread popularity and can especially be employed in creating more awareness about products or services. Some of the major communities are Slack, Reddit and Facebook groups. It is one of the best places for reaching out to a target audience.

In conclusion, this is the importance of increasing your awareness with the help of sales funnels. We hope you found this article informative in understanding how sales funnel can be helpful in improving your business. Thanks for reading!