Businesses can prevent repetitive tasks using AI and ML

For decades, AI has been evolving, and it is now actively assisting people and organizations to do the inconceivable. One of the most challenging leaps ahead in computing has been to give robots the ability to think and evaluate. Businesses have removed most of their repetitive tasks due to this adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, allowing them to focus on addressing unique and crucial challenges. Machine Learning is one of the sub-domains of AI, a broad word that encompasses a wide range of sub-domains. AI has brought a drastic change in everyone’s lifestyle with the trending technologies. So, let’s check out some of the best examples of Artificial Intelligence in everyday life in this article.

Top AI Trending Technologies

Google Search

Searching for items is an essential activity on the internet. And, for the past decade or so, Google Search has been the go-to search engine for finding anything. So, what makes Google Search such a powerful and precise web directory? Behind the scenes, you guessed it: artificial intelligence. You are practically employing AI in the genuine sense whenever you look for stuff on the internet.

Google has been using artificial intelligence features to improve page rankings for the past 3-4 years. Utilizing AI now recommends a segment of video based on your search query. Also, it offers relevant questions and answers and intelligent search suggestions underneath the result. You only have to go to the second page of Google Search because of AI. So, if you’re curious about how you engage with AI in your daily life, Google Search is the place to go.

Google Duplex And Hold For Me

Another service based on AI is Google Duplex. It imitates human speech, comprehends context, and responds naturally, precisely like any other human. Google introduced Duplex in 2018, which could book a table for you at a restaurant. You may use Google Duplex to reserve a space at a salon, order a movie ticket, and more. Currently, the service is only available in English and is confined to the United States. It’s worth noting that the service is now available on iPhones running the Google Assistant app and top Samsung and Pixel phones.

On the other hand, Hold For Me is a new feature for Pixel phones in the United States. If you dial a toll-free number and are placed on hold, Google Assistant can take over the conversation and tell you when a natural person is available to speak with you. It’s yet another example of AI that makes mundane activities considerably easier in our everyday lives.

Smart Compose, Quick Reply, And Grammar Check

You may have seen a new feature called Smart Compose if you use Gmail. It generates complete sentences based on the previous line you typed. It uses artificial intelligence to swiftly generate email draughts that are contextually accurate and grammatically correct. I use it frequently, and believe me when I say it’s beneficial. There could not be a more excellent example of AI improving lives while saving time. This option is available in the Compose window. Press the tab key whenever a smart compose suggestion appears, and it will be included in your draught.

Quick Reply is also available in Gmail and Android messaging apps, and AI likewise drives trending technologies. When we receive a message on WhatsApp, for example, some quick replies based on the message shown on top of the notice, tap on it, and the response will be sent immediately. This is another example of artificial intelligence changing how we interact online.

Many individuals use Google Docs to compose stories, articles, and other documents. Google also uses its AI advancements to assist users in writing error-free sentences. Finally, Grammar Check, which AI drives, is available on Google Docs. The service is turned on by default, but you can turn it off by going to Tools -> Spelling and Grammar. Apart from Google’s service, there’s Grammarly and a slew of other AI-powered grammar checkers.

Google Recorder, Live Captions, And Transcribe

Speech detection is one of the best applications of AI. Google Recorder and Otter.AI are two of the best instances of AI-powered speech transcription in real-time. With Google Recorder, you can transcribe speeches even without an internet connection, thanks to Machine Learning (a subset of AI). Everything takes place offline and with extreme precision. It also makes a searchable note so you may change the transcription while you’re on the go.

Google has also included Live Caption to the Android and Chrome browsers. It can listen to internal sounds and provide real-time captioning. Artificial intelligence makes all of this possible. Please keep in mind that Live Captions currently only supports English. Then there’s Google’s Live Transcribe tool, which can transcribe speeches in more than 80 languages in real-time. That’s fantastic. It can detect ambient sounds like a fire alarm or a doorbell ringing, assisting deaf and hard-of-hearing persons.

Google Lens And OCR

Google Lens is another AI-powered Google tool with cutting-edge technology for rapid and accurate optical recognition. It enables you to look for anything using photos. Point the camera at a shoe, a plant, an animal, or a piece of writing, and it will detect the type of topic and deliver specific information in a matter of seconds. This is feasible thanks to artificial intelligence’s progress in optical recognition.

Not to mention that Google Lens now has OCR capabilities, allowing you to extract text from photos effortlessly. In reality, practically all OCR software frameworks, such as Tesseract or TensorFlow, rely on artificial intelligence to recognize text in images. AI is used for intelligent power cropping and edge detection in apps like Adobe Scan and Microsoft Office Lens. So casually, you’re incorporating AI into your routine and reaping the benefits.


As you can see, artificial intelligence has a daily impact on our lives. AI influences our decisions, whether we’re on our phones, perusing the web, buying things online, utilizing navigation, wasting time on social media, or listening to music on our favourite music streaming service. Please share your thoughts about AI’s impact on our lives in the comments box below.

Are you interested in learning more about Artificial Intelligence? Get in touch with the ONPASSIVE team.