Accelerated Mobile Pages are quite a controversial technology, as it is one of the best methods to create user-first websites and ads. Since mobile has overtaken desktop usage, mobile speed has been an incredibly important consideration for any webmaster. AMP in 2020 has seen massive growth due to its incredible user experience, is also an excellent ranking factor for Google. 

Speed optimization plays a huge role in improving the website’s usability and rankability. AMP in 2020 will lead to higher page speed and a smoother loading experience, leading to higher user satisfaction and greater engagement. Before we look into the various ways, AMP in 2020 can help your business move up quickly.

What is Accelerated Mobile Pages?

AMP in 2020 is the technology that has been created specifically for improving mobile page speed quickly and easily. AMP in 2020 has helped to provide bare-bone HTML versions of all the content. Accelerated mobile pages can be compared to Facebook Instant Articles as well as Apple news, and these have received much backlash because news agencies have misused 

accelerated mobile pages to get their website into the “Top Stories” SERP feature on your mobile. 

Some of the top stories carry colossal weight, especially for news websites, for occupying an entire screen that can be searched on mobile. In reality, “Top Stories” qualifies as rich SERP results, which require additional optimizations to get. There are multiple ways to increase your website’s page speed; however, this is not the right method for obtaining preferential treatment with SERPs, especially while dealing with Google’s property. Faced with the difficult decision of not getting into the right SERP feature, it is evident that news websites would be using AMP as the main staple for their news pages. Accelerated Mobile Pagesis no longer the primary requirement to get into the SERP feature. News agencies have more freedom to choose the format they prefer.

How exactly do AMP in 2020 work?

Accelerated Mobile Pages can load very quickly and thanks to a few known factors, which are:

  • 99% of all AMP Pages in 2020 come pre-rendered and can also be loaded into Google or Bing AMP cache. It also means that if you’re accessing AMP Pages in 2020, it enables you to access corresponding search engines, which your browser doesn’t have to render from scratch.
  • AMP pages in 2020 usually follow a stringent coding rule, which means that there cannot be elements that will allow it to slow it down in addition to the pre-rendered pages. It occurs majorly due to certain restrictions on HTML/CSS and IS elements imposed on AMP pages.
  • Without custom JavaScript that is allowed on AMP pages, specific AMP elements must handle JavaScript elements. With the asynchronous JavaScript, it can also be implemented into AMP pages that can further help to improve the overall page speed, as browsers do not need to wait for the entire page to load from it.

Can AMP in 2020 give you a more significant ranking boost?

AMP in 2020 does not have the power or influence to affect rankings directly; however, accelerated mobile pages can significantly improve page speed. Considering how page speed plays such an important role, an AMP page can also help you improve your page ranking compared to a non-AMP page. 

However, more than a dozen factors that influence AMP in 2020are not guaranteed anything. With the backlink profile to the way a page is coded, there are a significant number of different things that you can work on improving rather than accelerated mobile pages. Thus, accelerated mobile pages are not directly influential in giving the best results possible for your business. However, with better AMP in 2020, you can improve your mobile strategy to get the results you have been looking for!

Final Thoughts

AMP technology is not about to disappear any time soon because the page speed remains essential due to the importance of a page in SERP results. Mobile traffic is predominantly run and owned by accelerated mobile pages, which aren’t going to reduce anytime. By understanding AMP’s importance in 2020, you can ensure that you utilize accelerated mobile pages in the right manner while developing your digital marketing strategy. It is essential to implement AMP in 2020into your core marketing strategy, but not be too heavily reliant on them to get the results you are hoping for!