Voice Search Marketing

Voice search is gaining more popularity than ever in this decade. 32.2% of marketing executives have already invested in this technology, and more research suggests that this will only grow more popular as time goes on. This article shares insights into how voice search is changing marketing across several industries.

Introduction To Voice Search

Voice search is a powerful tool that can be used in marketing to help find information. When used correctly, voice search can help you find the information you need quickly and easily. It can also help you find new information and trends. 

You can use voice search to find answers quickly and easily by asking simple questions. For example, if you want to see the calendar of a particular event, you could say: “What’s today’s date?” or “What time is it?” In addition to getting quick information, voice search can help you find trends because it uses natural language. 

For example, if you were looking for information about new products in the toy category that were released recently, you could ask your phone, “What are the top toy releases on Amazon this year?”

Your marketing strategy should include voice search to help you find new customers and improve your website for your current ones. Customer targeting: You can use voice search to target your customers. 

For example, if you have a store in the Hamptons, you can use voice search to learn more about customers who have searched for “stores in the Hamptons” over the past few days. This type of targeted information is crucial when used correctly and can help you sell more products or provide better service.

Shopping Assistant: Smartphones are beginning to include shopping assistants that automatically purchase products for you (e.g., Amazon’s Alexa) or give recommendations on items that might be good for you based on how you shop online (e.g., Pinterest). 

In addition to making life easier for your users, these tools come with a significant business opportunity as they are a way for you to engage with your users and collect more data about them.

Social: What if you could use your mobile app to help people connect, generate ideas, and even plan events? This is where social tools start to get interesting. 

Using location services, the user can indicate that they are interested in meeting up with friends in different cities (e.g., via Yelp) or create groups (e.g., on Facebook). You can use this information to build better market intelligence, allowing you to quickly and cost-effectively plan your next sales campaign.

The History Of Voice Search

Voice search has been around for a while now and is an essential part of our lives. From getting directions to finding the information we need, voice search has become an integral part of our daily lives. 

Voice search in marketing was initially used to find information on the Internet. But how did voice search first become popular? Back in the 1990s, people used voice recognition software to look up information on the Internet. This was before Google entered the scene and started providing users with search results. 

However, Google wasn’t the only company focusing on voice search back then. Other companies like Yahoo! and Ask were also developing their versions of voice recognition technology. 

Today, voice search is still a popular way to find information online. However, it has also started being used in other areas of our lives. For example, voice search is now used to find products and services. This is because voice search can provide a quick overview of what’s available. 

And speaking of products and services, voice search is also being used in marketing campaigns. For example, businesses can use voice search to promote their products on various platforms.

Voice search is also being used in healthcare technology. For example, doctors can use voice search to find medical information and patient data. However, voice search isn’t just limited to consumer technology. It is now being used in enterprise environments too. 

For example, enterprises can use voice search to find relevant information about their products and services.

Voice Search By Industry

In addition to consumer tech industries, other industries use voice search for different business needs. These include the following:

Telecommunications – Voice search is also used in telecommunication companies like AT&T and Verizon Wireless. These companies use voice search to deliver content to customers without needing them to search for it actively.

Automotive – Companies like Verizon offer voice control systems to provide hands-free access to the Internet in their vehicles. In addition, voice control is being used in future cars and other technology on these cars, such as mobile phones.

Healthcare – Voice recognition is also being used in healthcare companies to deliver medical information and services to patients. For example, hospitals can use voice to advise or even provide medical operations without a doctor.

The Current State Of Voice Search

The role of voice search in marketing is becoming increasingly important as consumers become more accustomed to using voice search to find information. Voice search can help marketers identify and target potential customers searching for specific products and services. 

This can be particularly helpful for businesses that sell products or services that are not easily found via a traditional online search. Voice search can help marketers identify and target potential customers searching for specific products and services. 

The Rise Of Voice Shortcuts: Voice is becoming a dominating factor in online shopping, especially in buying food items. These items may be hard to find through other means because of their location, but the voice can bring them up on the screen more quickly than searching for them through a traditional browser, making it easier for consumers to buy what they want.

How To Use Voice Search In Your Marketing Campaigns

Voice search is a powerful tool for marketing and can be used in various ways. For example, you can use voice search to find information about your product or service. You can also use voice search to find customer reviews or ratings of your product or service. You can even use voice search to find out what other customers say about your product or service.

Some tips for using voice search in your marketing campaigns include the following:

1. Make sure your website is optimized for voice search. This includes ensuring that all text is easily searchable and that all images and videos are tagged with keywords.

2. Try using voice commands to trigger content on your website. For example, you could say, “show me the shoes,” to display a list of shoes on your website.

3. Use voice assistants like Siri or Google Home to help research products or services. Also, you can use these voice assistants to help you manage your blog.

4. Use voice search to find customer reviews and ratings of products and services. For example, you could say, “Siri, show me the best travel bags” to get a list of customer reviews.

5. Use voice search to find item prices and inventory. For example, you could say, “Siri, where can I get that blue feather purse?” or “Google Home, show me the lowest price for that laptop” to get an instant price comparison.

6. Use voice commands to navigate your site. For example, you could ask, “Hey Google, take me to the product page, for instance, 43463,” or “I want to go home” to navigate back and forth between pages on your site.

7. Use voice assistants such as Siri or Amazon Echo to get visitors to your site. For example, you could ask Siri, “Show me the homepage,” or “Show me all of my recent orders” if you want to show off your latest products quickly.

8. Use voice assistants such as Google Home or Amazon Echo to give visitors a simple reason to stay on your site longer. For example, use a button that says “I love your shoes!” and have it automatically lead them to a webpage where they will be able to buy the product.

9. Use voice assistants like Siri or Alexa to help schedule social media posts. Ask Alexa how to run a budget and get out of debt without going through hours of tedious financial planning tasks.

10. If you have an electric toothbrush that can connect with Siri, ask her, “Alexa, show me the last five times I brushed my teeth,” so you know if you need to brush twice as often.

11. If you ask Siri, “What were the top moments from the year 2018?” you will get all the information that was trending in 2018. Ask Siri or Google Assistant for advice on what questions to ask at an interview.

12. Ask Alexa to play you a podcast or an audiobook that matches the season, and it’ll play 24/7. Ask Amazon Echo or Google Home to read a book, and they will read it for you.

13. Tell Siri or Google Assistant, “I want to record this meeting,” and she’ll automatically write down any important points from the meeting in your notebook.

14. Use Smart Home Skills to turn on music, dim the lights, or start cooking dinner by simply asking Alexa or Google Assistant what mood you want them in, and they can automatically change colors and set timers for you.


Looking to take advantage of voice search in marketing? You’re not alone. Increasingly, businesses realize the importance of using voice search to connect with customers and drive conversions. In this article, we discussed how voice search is used in marketing and provided some tips on how you can start taking advantage of it today.