Non-Tech Newcomers

Do you aspire to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey with an eCommerce business but don’t know how to deal with tech challenges that come along? Then keep reading this article. It will educate you on what it means to have an eCommerce business and the tech challenges for non-tech newcomers in a post-COVID 19 environment. 

In your pursuit to succeed at your eCommerce business, You need to overcome prevailing tech challenges so that customers develop trust in your brand. 

1. Expertise 

If you are a non-tech who wants to establish an eCommerce business, you must hire technical expertise. 

You also might need a consultant who can help you hire technical staff. You can use the same consultancy to scale up the site to deal with more traffic. 

You can consider hiring freelancers as well to help you manage daily technical requirements from SEO, web admin, performance to development and security. 

2. Infrastructure 

The website performance, site security and user experience are some of the critical factors for an eCommerce business. If an eCommerce page takes longer to load the web page, then you will need a techie who can help you bring forth a solution to speed up the load time. 

3. Security 

eCommerce site security is a major concern that you need special attention to get resolved. As a non-techie, you can look for an IT security professional who will help you cope with cybercrime and cyberattacks. 

An expert in IT will help you find the right systems. Ensure that security plugins and monitoring tools are configured rightly. Moreover, check if your admin implements the security updates. 

4. User experience (UX) 

Your eCommerce site will require constant improvements to boost visitor engagement and conversion. A site is user friendly if it takes good care of-

  • content
  • site performance
  • theme 
  • branding

5. AR, AI & Chatbots 

Augmented Reality (AR) is the best way to deliver the best online try-before-you-buy experience. For instance, you are uploading a photo of your drawing room and viewing how an eCommerce store’s furniture will look in your drawing-room. You can boost the user experience with manifolds. 

Chatbots today is considered a prerequisite for eCommerce businesses. They answer all the questions asked by customers and ultimately help them complete the purchase. They even are contributing to lowering shopping cart abandonment. 

AI automates most of your business operations. Thereby streamline major business tasks efficiently. Consider ONPASSIVE’s AI-based business solutions to automate and drive the desired business growth. 

  6. eCommerce Platform 

It is essential to have an eCommerce platform where your customer will land up as you offer your services. Besides that, make your site mobile-friendly as online shopping is growing through mobile screens. 

7. SEO 

You must invest in hiring an SEO expert who will help you get higher ranks for keywords related to your products and market fit. 


There are numerous challenges to start an eCommerce business. However, tech challenges are among the most critical ones that you might need help with. Consider the points discussed in the blog, and do not shy away from outsourcing your respective technical expertise. Ultimately, if you want to succeed at your eCommerce enterprise, you must lead with the right technical assistance and expert inputs.