Content Marketing Performance

It is crucial to track some metrics in content marketing strategy to measure the efforts. After all, constant monitoring helps to deliver quality content.

A few key bases are SEO performance, analyzing the audience’s expectations, and writing standards. These all help to achieve good results.

In this process, campaign monitoring is crucial from planning to content distribution. The results demonstrate the success of the actions and allow adjustments to be made as necessary.

Knowing key metrics is necessary to make a qualified measurement. Metrics should be tracked regularly to determine the effectiveness of strategies.

Let’s see the top metrics content marketing is performing in 2022. keep reading to learn about all these metrics.

Unique pageviews

Knowing page visits is important in a content strategy. This helps to analyze the level of interest and traffic in the content. 

The number of times each individual has viewed a page is determined by unique pageviews. An exact number reduces repetition and allows for more accurate measurement.

A single person can, after all, visit a website several times. This number does not capture the frequency of visits to a page.

Unique pageview numbers can be calculated by comparing a person’s views on the same page and during the same session.

Consequently, the user can rest assured that the page is only accessed once, no matter how refreshed its many times.

Average time on page

The time spent on the page is google’s top criterion since it is important to measure the average time on the page. 

These metrics play a crucial role in analyzing if the content is appealing. If the time spent on the page is longer, then the engagement rate is higher.

Looking at pages that fared poorly in this statistic would be beneficial. Unappealing content, bad UX design, and slow website loading are all possibilities.

You must compare pages to figure out why your results are so poor. So, weigh the advantages of successful pages vs. those that fail.


Users have two alternatives when visiting your blog to consume content: access the page of interest and leave, or access the page and browse other content.

Pages/sessions analytics display how many pages a person viewed on your website during his visit.

The higher this number, the more each visitor is interested in the site. Low numbers, on the other side, may suggest that the website as a whole is lacking in engaging content.

Pages/sessions are essential Content Marketing metrics because they assist evaluate the strategy’s overall quality.

If you have a lot of pages/sessions, it suggests that everything you’ve put out has the potential to attract attention.

A few top reasons for a low average time on a page are:

  • inadequate legibility
  • too long texts
  • lacking UX
  • poor content
  • absence of scannability
  • lack of interest-engaging topics.

Traffic sources

Users may arrive at your website from several sources. You may put more money into them and get better results after knowing which ones bring in the most traffic.

Therefore, one of the most important Content Marketing indicators is this.

It’s vital to distribute content across multiple channels, such as social media and email marketing, and include it in Google’s organic search results. Naturally, some will be more engaging than others, resulting in different traffic volumes.

The analytics we’ll go over will help us determine which channels get the most traffic. This enables you to focus your efforts and investments on the most promising regions.

Organic traffic

Organic traffic refers to the people who find your content through search engines. Of course, the most popular source will be Google.

Because of its tremendous reach potential and the fact that it is free, organic traffic is critical for any strategy. As a result, astounding results can be achieved with careful optimization.

This necessitates an understanding of SEO. It produces high-quality content while employing the most effective strategies to attract Google traffic.

CTR ( Click-through rate)

CTR is a measure that shows how many people clicked on a link compared to how many people saw it. These figures are critical in organic traffic as one of the most important Content Marketing indicators.

When a piece of information is shown in the SERP, a high CTR can suggest that it piques the user’s attention (Search Engine Results Page).

Several factors can influence user engagement, including:

  • a visually appealing title;
  • a title that contains strong keywords;
  • the usage of a meta description;
  • the use of an excerpt.

This indicator is available on the Google Search Console dashboard. It displays each page’s CTR and metrics such as impressions and clicks.

SERP ranking (Search Engine Results Page)

How high does your organization rank in Google searches? Is your company listed anywhere on the first page?

The goal of any SEO campaign is to rank highly on search engines.

The first five slots are the most contentious, so you should keep an eye on the rankings – after all, this is where you want to position your brand.

Best SEO performance strategies, such as finding keywords, designing a link-building plan, creating friendly URLs, and obtaining as many backlinks as possible, are required.


It’s critical to keep track of the right content marketing KPIs for your business’s goals. Organic traffic to a few important pages on your site, for example, could be a good KPI to use when evaluating a new SEO performance strategy.

Nonetheless, a few may be applied to practically any method and can assist you in achieving your business goals.