clara nolt

Ever since I joined as a Founder in Aug of 2018, (before there was a name attached) I saw the vision and knew without a doubt that this was every marketers dream, and that I had to be a part of this amazing platform that will actually change every life that it touches!

No one can lose with the money-back guarantee and the low cost that is attached to ONPASSIVE, which is so important in the eyes of so many who cannot afford much in life!

Thank you Ash Mufareh, for sacrificing so much for the benefit of so many! Your passion for others was the most powerful thing that drew me in, and for that I am truly grateful!

I am anticipating the launch of ONPASSIVE in the very near future and of seeing the results of lives being changed all around the world!

Where else can you get everything you need to run a business for so little?

Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. Act now!