Today, video marketing is becoming seamlessly popular in the business world, as they have better conversion chances. Also, the profound impact of artificial intelligence on the future of video marketing cannot be ignored. Thanks to artificial intelligence, customer experience can now be tailored based on audiences’ needs and preferences than ever before! 

The Importance of AI in Analytics

The insights provided by AI analytics have also facilitated ad targeting and made it possible for businesses to make data-driven decisions. In digital marketing, video marketing is a compelling channel that can be significantly shaped by AI analytics. With all these signs pointing towards the continued growth of video content, marketers must know how to use AI positively to abide by others by their video marketing strategy.

 Here, we will have a detailed look into how artificial intelligence will change the future of video marketing.

How AI Will Transform the Future of Video Marketing

#1: Improves Personalization

Personalization is the key to marketing success, and this applies to video marketing as well. Today as customers are spoilt for choices, the need for personalization is on the rise. As such, marketers are necessitated to tailor messages in the digital space. The fact is that users are likely to respond much more favorably to video ads based on their past search history, online behavior, and social interests.

Artificial intelligence allows marketers to utilize customer insights to build targeted ads. Over the coming years, AI has the potential to offer hyper-personalization in video marketing that customers will love. Moreover, there’s no doubt that personalized video marketing will continue to gain popularity as more brands recognize that tailored video content results in improved engagement.

#2: Increases Conversions

Many small businesses are hesitant to invest huge budgets on new channels unless they are entirely confident about their returns. However, artificial intelligence has made it possible for small businesses to test their video content and get a better idea of results before investing in a more extensive rollout. By having a fair understanding of what their video content can deliver, more businesses will be willing to invest more of their marketing budgets into new marketing initiatives.

Additionally, recent studies have shown that videos encourage 70% of audiences to decide to buy something or not. It is because videos bring products to life in a way that written words cannot. Therefore, artificial intelligence will transform the future of video marketing and increase conversions for brands of all sizes.

#3: Gathers Customer Data and Insights

Devising targeted ads and marketing strategies is nearly impossible without adequate knowledge of the market and customers. If marketers do not know their audiences’ interests and preferences, there will be no way they can create tailored content.

As such, brands will need to gather customer data before producing video content. AI technology allows the gathering of customer data and insights seamlessly. AI influences the future of video marketing, allowing brands to tailor their content and shape their entire video marketing strategy through analytics. It eventually helps in creating a win-win situation both for brands and consumers. Indeed, AI will continue to be an essential tool in the future by advancing to help brands develop relevant video content for their target audience.

#4: Enhances Customer Trust

Today, social media is used by marketers to showcase their brand. Social media platforms allow marketers to watch and share images and videos swiftly. Consequently, the chances of video content going viral are higher. Therefore, marketers must learn to use AI to make videos more infotainment videoes. 

AI has enhanced the efforts of a marketer and made their jobs easier. Leading marketers firmly believe that artificial intelligence is the next big thing in the future of video marketing. AI in video marketing has shown notable improvements in bringing higher engagement rates for a brand. AI allows marketers to utilize video to share personalized messages to customers, provide them with attractive discounts on their favorite items or services.

Key Takeaways

Over the past five years, AI is revolutionizing marketing and is projected to transform the future of video marketing over the coming years. Undoubtedly, video content is essential for engaging customers in today’s digital era. Leading brands have already incorporated AI in their marketing strategies to personalize messages, enhance customer loyalty, improve conversion, etc.

With the rising applications of AI in marketing, marketers will need to make efficient use of them. Ignoring the applications of AI in marketing will lead to substantial financial losses in your marketing budget. Start immediately and improve conversions and returns on investments.

Indeed, this informative writing piece has helped you understand the uses of leveraging AI in video marketing. Keep pace with the changes in marketing trends and efficiently use new technologies to gain a strategic advantage.